Improving the economy one purchase at a time...
I think I have been in a chronic state of saving. As a kid I saved because I wanted a new Barbie and because I had hopes of leaving the dippy town I lived in and knew that a college education was the only way. Throughout most of my 20s I saved for college (yes, the second degree) and while I was still in college I saved for a house. Shortly after purchasing my house I began working towards my China adoption and began collecting every little penny I could find in the couch cushions or the backseat of my car. Then I started a second adoption and somehow decided that I could live on next to nothing in order to try and get the money saved towards that.
No more. I have depriving our desperate economy of the much needed stimulus (guess what I did with my stimulus check--bought a camera and saved the rest--hehe). My cousin/contractor came out to measure the space in the living room that I am going to convert into a bookshelf/desk unit. He's going to use cherry wood and I'm not ashamed to say that it is going to kick ass. Today I bought a four tiered shelving unit for the kitchen. Yep, time to organize and get stuff off the floor. And if that wasn't enough I just blew $100 at the grocery store. Yes, one hundred dollars for one person. I guess this is what happens when I don't shop regularly. That and I was really lusting over the fresh fruit. I'd rather have fresh raspberries, melon, pineapple over chocolate any day. I made some pork loin with a mushroom sauce and I am working on a poor man's healthy beef stroganoff because when in transition I cook and clean. Too bad I'm not putting my energy into some gym time--that is really where I should be burning off my energy.
Ahhh, life is good.
Ah my friend, if you could see how much I spent this weekend you would know we are both doing the same thing!
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