Duc walks like a lady
People always ask me if Duc/Spud is a girl. I can't tell if it is because 1 white chic + 1 asian babe = (chinese) girl ?
Does that equation sound about right? He is pretty, but he has never worn anything that looked remotely girly so I can't quite figure this out.
Anyhoo, I am still down in Dallas and Comcast kind of sucks because I can't access my email either at the hotel or at the training center. So, I am getting them on my Blackberry, but I gotta tell you, I can NOT email proper responses on something that small. So I won't be able to respond for a couple more days, but if you are emailing me with this email or my private one I am getting them and I will respond once I have a full keyboard.
Spud is here with me and so is my mom. Thank God. Spud and I are both sick and she is essentially taking care of both of us. We arrived Monday afternoon and while we were at Target I suddenly felt ill. It seems either Spud gave me something or this is just the tail end of the horrible allergy crap I was feeling last week. I actually had to leave class several hours early on Tuesday because I felt so poorly, but I slept a lot yesterday and now I feel a lot better. It really helped that Spud slept well last night.
The first night was BAD. I'm not going to delve into it, but I am sure there were some other sleepless guests in the hotel as a result.
Mom is worried that Spud may have an inner ear infection. He has been walking really well, but yesterday and today he has been stumbling around like a drunken sailor--running into furniture and everything else. It was funny at first, but now it is a bit sad. Hopefully it will resolve quickly because I would hate for him to be uncomfortable as we fly back. He is still happy and most people wouldn't know the difference but he is slightly off. Poor baby.
It hasn't been a bad week--our time here has been enjoyable, but I am looking forward to going home and sleeping in our own beds again. At least I haven't had to do any laundry or fix dinner this week!
People ask if Zubin is a girl. It is because people are stupid and do not take that extra second to confirm before they ask dumb questions.
Maybe it is the Asian thing...annoying whatever it is. Hope you are both feeling better soon. Aiden has been sick too :(
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