Saturday, December 6, 2008

Bad face week

I have a huge zit on my forehead that I have named Morty.  Honestly, it's like a gnome has suddenly sprouted off the front of my forehead and I am afraid the old man is going to start shaking hands with everyone that walks by.  I hate to even call it a zit because it doesn't do it justice--it's really more of a cyst, but when a cyst shows up on your face people typically think they are zits.  So here I am calling my cyst a zit and naming him Morty.

I actually had an appointment with my dermatologist today and she of course asked "how is your skin?" so I pulled up my bangs and showed her Morty.  She took one look at it and said, "Maybe it would be better if you wear your bangs down this week".  I kid you not!  She is the coolest derm ever--I was laughing.  She then told me about needing to inject a steroid into one of her own this week because it looked rather inflammatory.  Laura, I was totally thinking of you when I was there and I hoped she was going to suggest some zit juice (or botox, whatever), but no luck.  It looks like I will have to wear the bangs down for another week.  This sucker hurts--one of my co-workers hugged me yesterday while I was sitting in my chair and her boob attacked Morty.  Ouch. 


Anonymous December 6, 2008 at 12:55 AM  

Ok I know I shouldn't laugh at your expense, but when you talked about your co-worker's boob attacking your zit I couldn't help it. :)

Hope Morty leaves soon!

Anonymous December 7, 2008 at 12:28 PM  

Ahh, my dream job (pimple popper, MD:) That's HYSTERICAL. Thank gosh for bangs, huh?! I need me some of those, but they'd have to vo down to my which case I guess they wouldn't be bangs anymore. Maybe I'll just go Cousin It style, like a teenager full of zit angst.

Cinnamon December 7, 2008 at 3:07 PM  

Morty, lol you are too funny! I have 2 cold sores on my upper and bottom lip from lack of sleep and being sick so I feel your pain. Hmmm I wonder what I should call mine.

Susan December 9, 2008 at 9:40 PM  

You're in good company. Most of the time my skin is okay, but when I do get a zit, it's about the size of New Hampshire and can't be covered up by hair or anything else. Why, you ask? Because it's always on my nose or chin. Rarely, rarely do I get one that's "hardly noticeable." Hope Morty bids you farewell soon. And tell your co-worker to back off for a while.


About This Blog

This started as my story, but has evolved to OUR story. This is the story of life as a single parent to a wonderful little boy while we wait for baby sister. China LID 2.12.07.

But these things I plan won't happen right away. Slowly, steadily, surely, the time approaches when the vision will be fulfilled. If it seems slow, be patient! For it will surely take place. It will not be late by a single day.
Habakkuk 2:3

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