Mother’s Day—II
Thank you for your comments. It is a process—maybe more for me than him on some days.
Yesterday was my first day in a week where my temp wasn’t over 100*. Whoo hoo! So we celebrated by going to church and sharing lunch with friends.
Since the Spud is so active it is a challenge to get him to sleep during the service so I sometimes put him in daycare for about 15-20 minutes. Knowing how the last week has been I really should have known better. He was fine when I left him. I think he was pretending I wasn’t even there. I thought I heard him a couple of times (the nursery is right off the the main room), but I thought he was…I don’t know. Anyway, as soon as communion was over I went to the nursery and I saw a woman holding my red-faced, tear-stained son. It took two adults to explain it, but I should have guessed. He was clingy even before getting sick and after being with me nearly non-stop for the last 9 days I am sure he wasn’t thrilled with my departure. The gentleman in the nursery said he noticed Duc relaxing as soon as he saw me walk through the door. My poor baby! Breaks my heart to see him like that. I could feel his big heavy sobs against my chest and I felt his body relax and with a sigh he relaxed against my body. Ahhhh, perfection.
Given how traumatic the previous twenty minutes were for him I was a little less than thrilled when some strange woman tried to pry him out of my arms. He will go to strangers when I am right there, but today was not the day! I know he is cute, but darn it people, he is a person and he can decide who he wants to hold him. My happy boy is back! He has been feeling so much better since yesterday. I love seeing his beautiful smiling face.
Bottle time for babe and ma.
We both had our afternoon bottles. It is funny…during the dossier prep and wait I wouldn’t couldn’t drink alcohol. Now, when Auntie J calls and asks what she can pick up for me I tell her alcohol or ice cream. Funny thing is that I don’t really like ice cream and I was never much of a fruity drink kind of girl. Now? Bring on the wine coolers. I love these little hands. They actually aren’t so little. A few years and our hands will be the same size. Probably by the time he’s four.
Seriously, how cute are those chubby little hands?
This little outfit was a hand-me-down from a friend/co-worker. This was her grandson’s and how appropriate that my son now wear it. Actually, he wore the heck out of it in Vietnam, but now it really fits nicely. Putting the whole Vietnam/dragonfly thing aside, I can’t help but think of my grandmother when I see a dragonfly and I absolutely LOVE this outfit on him. It will be a sad day when he no longer fits in it, but it will definitely be one outfit that I keep long after he outgrows it.
(this is Duc in the same outfit as above, sans sweater)
Ah, I love the way the sun lights up his face. He is by far the most beautiful face I have ever seen. He is my handsome little devil. A little heart breaker. When he flirts and flashes a dimple I turn in to putty. It is going to be hard to say no. Most times I just dissolve into laughter.
Have I mentioned his foot fetish? Yeah, it’s bad. You can’t go barefoot in this house. He’s not licking—he’s biting.
Yeah, ya think?
I love his adorable smile!!!
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